Jeff and Suzie Hansen live in Bountiful, Utah in the USA. They have 7 children, whom are all married, and 15 beautiful grandchildren. The Hansens own and manage Sunset Equestrian Center in Kaysville, Utah. It is a horse boarding and training facility. Suzie also runs a horseback riding/training program while Jeff owns and runs a construction business. Together they spend most of their time managing these businesses, enjoying their beautiful family, and serving in their church.

Jeff and Suzie met Moses Muwanguzi in June of 2016. They soon became close friends and wanted to help Moses and the beautiful people of Uganda. In April of 2017, the Hansens travelled to Uganda along with Jeff’s brother and wife, Kevin and Anne Hansen, and friend Lindy Miles. They spent 6 wonderful days at the Emmaus School. With the help of family and friends they were able to build and dedicate a new kitchen at the school. Suzie, Anne, and Lindy spent time playing with the school kids, mending uniforms, distributing 600 tooth brushes to the children, and 200 “Days for Girls” menstruation kits to the young women at the school and women in the village. Suzie Hansen said, “What an incredible experience it was to serve these beautiful Ugandan people. We were very blessed with love and friendship from our brothers and sisters in Uganda. Our hearts were very touched and changed for the better. We count this experience as one of our greatest blessings from God.”
They also spent 2 days experiencing the country of Uganda by Safari. Jeff Hansen said, “This land is incredible! We saw elephants, giraffes, hyenas, multiple types of antelope, warthogs, baboons, and a female lion with three cubs and their morning kill. We also thoroughly enjoyed our day tracking and hanging out with the chimpanzees!”
Jeff and Suzie look forward to a life-long relationship with Moses, the school, and the people of Uganda!